Saturday, November 14, 2009

Funny Baby Arrival Messages Here's Another Funny One For You?

Here's another funny one for you? - funny baby arrival messages

A couple came to the hospital in order to have delivered her baby.

Said upon arrival, the doctor at the hospital tested a stunning new level of high-tech machine to transfer some of the birth of the mother to the father of the baby. They were asked whether they were willing to try it.

Both said they were very supportive of it.

The doctor will begin with a transfer to a 10 per cent, the pain that was probably more than 10 percent tell the father to previously eperienced.

But as the work progressed, the husband felt fine and asked the doctor to go ahead and kick up a notch.

The doctor then adjusted the machine to 20 percent pain transfer.

The man always a good feeling. Then the doctor checks the blood pressure of the man and was surprised how he was doing.

At this stage we have decided to treat 50 percent. The man continues to be a very good feeling. Since the transmission of pain the woman was apparently contribute significantly to the husband encouraged the doctor transIron all the pain for him.

The wife delivered a healthy baby in pain, almost unique, and not the man. She and her husband were thrilled.

When she got home, they found the mailman dead on the porch.


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