Friday, February 12, 2010

Leg Numbness Viral Infection Leg Arm Numbness Tingling After Severe Flu Infection -am I Just Tired Or Should I Fear Guillan-Barre Syndrome?

Leg arm numbness tingling after severe flu infection -am I just tired or should I fear Guillan-Barre Syndrome? - leg numbness viral infection

Yesterday, after 3 weeks the flu, I'm tired, shortness of breath, and started tingling in the feet and hands. An hour later he returned to numbness in the knees and elbows, complete ... Lips began to ring, and I began to panic at ... and numbness in the legs and arms. is still some numbness in the arms and legs, the doctor said the flu is bad, I'm tired and need rest. I placed 3 weeks already! In any case, no one has ever numbness and tingling after the flu and not Guillain-Barre? I'm in Central Asia and I wonder if I can get the best advice and support. doc put me on antibiotics and antiviral Med antiferon (?) and Echinacea.
should be immuglobulin "I" to ensure that I am "sure", or wait? I hate the panic, but the hatredwait until you have been bad, I can not breathe either!
Thank you for all the thoughts ...


matador 89 said...

Emma K
Guillain-Barre syndrome (also known as Landry paralysis) is a polyneuropathy - a condition that is by widespread dysfunction of the peripheral nerves. The condition is considered as the result of an autoimmune response into consideration when the immune system reacts and attacks normal tissues of the body after a viral infection or allergy. The peripheral nerve tissue can be affected in two ways, due to Guillain-Barre syndrome. One possibility is when the driver of the nerve - the nerve cell bodies and axons called - is affected. The view here is poor and recovery can be slow or incomplete. The substance of all forms is affected if the nerve tissue is affected insulation around the nerves - the myelin sheath -. Thus the rate of recovery isand would probably very soon. Typically, patients changes in sensation in hands and feet. This can start as tingling and numbness, but sometimes painful. This is due to send the nerves, the sensory signals from the skin to the brain are affected. Because the nerves innervating the muscles are affected, muscle weakness and paralysis can occur on the arms, especially the legs. Muscle weakness and loss of feeling, is it difficult for patients to coordinate their movements and even on foot. Because the nerves that control is the condition of the skin in May seems to be affected skin red, swollen and shiny. Although the recovery is slow, people with Guillain-Barre is usually a full recovery. Physiotherapy treatment is to maintainRange of motion to prevent contractures and shortening of the muscle. Sometimes in May should hold regular joint restraint position. Once the normal nerve conduction a program of progressive strength training can be started. When the patient begins to regain physical therapists can help the patient to facilitate normal movement and the promotion of improved proprioception exercises to coordination.
Because the symptoms vary and its cause is unknown, GBS can be difficult to diagnose. If symptoms occur uniformly throughout the body and progresses rapidly, the diagnosis easier. Three tests can confirm the diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome. Lumbar puncture (spinal tap) - A high level of protein in the fluid is characteristic of GBS. The electromyogram (EMG)"This is an effective diagnostic tool because it records muscle activity and may include loss of reflexes, the show due to the slowdown of the characteristic disease of the neuronal responses. Nerve conduction velocities (NCV) This test is performed with EMG, and together are often referred to as EMG / NCV studies. NCP detects the speed with which signals travel along the nerve.
Not known if you facilities, such tests on the situation in Central Asia have behaviors, I will only link, and wish him luck.
I'll add a link to the details about this product
g / guillain_barre_syndrome /

Hope this helps
Matador 89

Dinty Moore said...

I'm no expert, but I understand that not everyone in the United Kingdom require ventilation. (15-30%). I also thought the dominant progressive muscle weakness was. They seem to have tired predominant paresthesias. I'm also hard to understand why you put in antiferon flu without complications. It is possible that the deafness is a side effect of treatment not the disease. Deafness is not a routine aspect of the flu. Why not stop, and if progress is certainly antiferon get a different opinion.

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